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PalDat - Palynological Database

an online publication on recent pollen

Dear palynologists, PalDat-authors, registered users and guests,

PalDat 3.0 is online.

The database was completely new programmed.
There is no "Forum" any more. That's the reason why all registered users from PalDat 2.0 have to register again. We apologize for this inconvenience.
The database is still free of charge. Registration is only necessary, in case you want to submit data to PalDat 3.0. and/or to send a comment.

Contents of may not be used for illegal purposes. User activities, which aim to make the website malfunction or to make at least their use more difficult, are forbidden and can be prosecuted.

Enjoy the world of pollen and the new features in PalDat 3.0

The PalDat-Team