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PalDat - Palynological Database

an online publication on recent pollen

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LamiaceaeThymus bracteosushabitus polar viewequatorial viewequatorial view 
LamiaceaeThymus caespititius hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
LamiaceaeThymus kosteleckianus hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
LamiaceaeThymus odoratissimusinflorescence(s)3-celled pollenacetolyzed pollen, upper focushydrated pollen, slightly oblique polar viewhydrated pollen, equatorial viewaperture detailcross section of pollen graincross section of aperture area and interapertural areacytoplasm with sperm cell and lipids
LamiaceaeThymus praecoxflower(s)hydrated pollenhydrated pollenhydrated pollenpolar viewequatorial view 
LamiaceaeThymus pulegioides  polar viewslightly oblique equatorial viewequatorial view 
LamiaceaeThymus vulgaris hydrated pollenhydrated pollen