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PalDat - Palynological Database

an online publication on recent pollen

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RosaceaeRubus vestitus hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
RosaceaeRubus saxatilis hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
RosaceaeRubus odoratus hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
RosaceaeRubus illecebrosusflower bud polar viewequatorial viewoblique equatorial view 
RosaceaeRubus idaeus hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
RosaceaeRubus fructicosusflower(s)polar view,upper focusoptical sectionpolar viewequatorial viewdetail of aperturepollen grain in cross sectioninterapertural area of pollen wall, intine (I), endexine (E)aperture, intine (I)
RosaceaeRubus caesiusflower(s)hydrated pollenhydrated pollenslightly oblique polar viewequatorial viewaperture 
RosaceaeRubus bifrons hydrated pollenhydrated pollen  
RosaceaeRubus arcticushabitus hydrated pollenpolar viewoblique equatorial view